I scrambled out of bed, my heart pounding. I’d hit the snooze button too many times and now I would be late! I wanted to feed the chickens before my shower so I threw on a pair of old pants and a T-shirt, trotted down the old farmhouse stairs, stepped into my barn boots and opened the backdoor into a glorious summer morning. But I was in a rush, blinking the sleep from my eyes and squinting against the blinding rays of the newly risen sun. I headed for the small weathered barn that used to be painted a bright red but now just had a faint blush of colour. I decided to release the chickens into the grassy yard first.

The path to the chicken gate was narrow but well-worn. Long grass along the edges reached almost to my waist and brushed against my legs as I rushed through. But what was that? Ahead of me grasping the top of a tall grass stem was a large green moth. The weight of the insect bent the stem down in a lovely arc causing it to hang directly in my path. It was as if the moth whispered, “Notice me! Stop and smell the roses.” I snatched out my ever present cell phone and snapped some pictures of the exotic looking creature, sure that at any moment it would float away.

The urgency left me, melted away in a moment of natural beauty. My eyes started to actually see the vibrant colours around me, my ears heard the morning sounds, my face felt the soft breeze, my nose inhaled the earthy fragrances.

I captured a few more photographs to remind me of that morning, simple shots that bring me pleasure whenever I see them. I had never seen a luna moth before, and only one since. It was a special moment, stopping me in my tracks and making the whole day brighter (despite being late for work). Instead of being a nuisance, morning chores became an anticipated time for me to slow down and watch the things that make life special.

Chickens safe in the barn for the night

Chickens safe in the barn for the night


Part of the free ranging flock

Part of the free ranging flock


Wild flowers by the chicken pen

Wild flowers by the chicken pen


Thistle by the gate

Thistle by the gate


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